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Apply to Judge

What does judging involve?

We're looking for experienced, knowledgeable and enthusiastic professionals to be official judges at Asia CXA® – could this be you?

  • Hear

    first-hand how top organisations have implemented outstanding CX strategies

  • Assess

    the entries in your category and put your questions to the presenters

  • Inspire

    finalists to improve and develop further by offering constructive feedback

Apply to Judge
Benefits of being a judge
  • Learn more about recent innovations and stay up to date in an ever-changing business landscape
  • Network with other judges and finalists at the Awards
  • Attend the online Awards Ceremony (and if you're a Chair of Judges, announce the winner in your category)
  • Submit thought leadership and other contributions to 25,000 subscribers through the Customer Experience Magazine
  • Develop your personal and professional brand
  • Use a promotional card and Awards judge logo on your social media
  • Become a member of The Judge Club

Apply to Judge
How to Become a Judge

  • 1

    Express Your Interest

    Get in touch with your Judging Consultant, Milica Jovanov, to explore your judging opportunities and get answers to any questions you might have. You can contact her at milica.j@awardsinternational.com or click below to book a call!
    Book a Call
  • 2

    Get Your Application Reviewed

    Looking at your CV or LinkedIn profile, we will ensure you meet our high standards and find a category that suits your experience and expertise. This usually takes no more than 24 hours.
  • 3

    Confirm Your Place

    Becoming a judge includes membership of The Judge Club. There are several levels of membership which offer different benefits. Organize a call with Milica (details above), complete the Apply to Judge page or visit The Judge Club website to find out more.
  • 4

    Online Judging

    For Scoring Round I, which takes place prior to the Awards Finals, you will be allocated 5-8 entries to assess according to your experience and expertise. This scoring takes place online, and our Awards Manger software makes the whole process straightforward: you read the entries, then submit your scores and written comments. You'll have four weeks to complete this part ofthe judging process.
  • 5

    Live Online Judging

    At the Awards Finals on September 8, you’ll conduct Scoring Round II as part of an online judging panel. You'll watch and assess a series of 15-minute live presentations followed by 15 minutes of questions. After the Q&A, judges submit their scores and provide written feedback. This feedback is included in the Benchmark Report that is emailed to each finalist after the event.

    Then, on September 15, you'll be able to attend the online Awards Ceremony and find out who triumphed in your category!
  • 6

    Network and Connect

    The Awards bring hundreds of business professionals together – both judges and finalists. During several breaks throughout the day, you can take the time to network with other participants and forge new connections, as well as participating in CXTrendTalks™ on the latest developments in the CX space.
  • 7

    Spread the Word

    In the build-up to the Awards Finals, we’ll provide a Judge’s Personal Promo Card and Judge Logo to help you promote your involvement on social media. You can also submit content to the Customer Experience Magazine and establish yourself as a thought leader in your field.

Meet the judges

Apply to Judge

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