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Awards Writers

Boost Awards

Boost is the world’s first and largest award entry consultancy. Its 20-strong, mostly-in-house team of experts comprise the most experienced award entry writers available.
Using Boost not only frees up your time and removes the stress of applying, it also significantly increases your chances of winning - Boost has helped its clients (which include many multinationals through to SMEs) win over 1,300 awards! Its experts have written multiple winning entries for each of The UK Customer Experience Awards, UK Employee Experience Awards, UK Digital Experience Awards and Complaints Handling Awards. Many of its consultants have also been judges in the past too (never the categories they help clients enter, obviously).


August Recognition

Donna O’Toole is CEO of August. She has helped hundreds of businesses, brands, entrepreneurs, and leaders across the world to raise their profile by achieving valuable awards and recognition for their achievements.
Named one of the world’s top 25 Customer Experience Influencers, Donna is a sought after national and international awards judge thanks to her own team’s outstanding success rate in the most prestigious industry awards in the world.
Her work has also resulted in the most accomplished entrepreneurs, business leaders and community champions receiving The Queen’s Awards for Enterprise as well as recognition in The Queen’s Honours List.
Using her unique and exclusive awards insights, Donna has recently created the world’s first end-to-end awards training programme to help businesses win the awards they deserve.


Awards Writers

Since 2012 Awards Writers have been helping clients claim their glory through awards. We use our tried-and-tested approach to writing award entries which deliver, on average, more than 80% success in getting you on to the shortlist. Around half of our finalists take home a prize, and we’ve helped clients scoop regional, national and international awards.

We’ll refine your story to produce an entry that puts you in the best possible position. We play critical friend, providing an outside-in view of your project or business which helps make the strongest case.

Some of the UK’s largest and best-known brands trust our expertise. And our chief wordsmith, Louise Turner, has even published a book about how to write winning entries (which is itself on the shortlist for Best Business Book 2021).


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