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There are 21 categories this year, each recognising a particular aspect of CX excellence.

We’ve divided the categories into three main sections:

CX Classics: recognising the essential elements of a world-class customer experience strategy

CX Evolution: spotlighting developing trends in the CX world that deserve recognition

CX Professionals: honouring the individuals and teams driving CX performance to new heights

Take a look and decide which ones are best for you!

CX Classics

Customers at the Heart of Everything™

Showing how much an organisation cares about its customers by putting them at the centre of all company efforts.

Employees at the Heart of Everything

Showing how you improve your employees' wellbeing so that they can remain stress-free and focused on helping your customers.

Business Change and Transformation

How an organisation embraced change and transformed itself to fit the market and align with the company purpose.

Best CX Strategy

Describing how you planned a good, detailed CX strategy to improve your processes and achieve your desired results.

Best Use of Customer Insight & Feedback

How the voice of the customer (VOC) and other techniques are used to improve your services and deliver improved customer experience as a result.

Best B2B Customer Experience

Recognising companies who deliver world-class CX in a business-to-business context.

Best User Experience

For the best UX solutions, such as a digital customer journey, intuitive marketing campaign, simple application process, using an online platform, etc.

Best Contact Centre

Describing how you organised your contact centre to be a truly helpful destination for customers, for whatever information they need.

Best CX Loyalty Programme

This award is for companies developing creative and rewarding loyalty programmes for their customers, structured in a way that maximises engagement and encourages repeat purchasing.

CX Evolution

Best CX Response to the Crisis

How you managed to react effectively to the pandemic by introducing effective CX solutions, retaining your customers and keeping them happy.

Best CX in Vulnerable Situations

Recognising the best results from companies that show extra care for their vulnerable customers and work hard to meet their needs.

Best Use of Technology

How you introduced and integrated tech solutions within your company to improve customer experience.

Best Innovation in Customer Experience

Whether it's a new product, service, internal re-organisation, or any other innovation, this award celebrates fresh thinking in the CX space that has delivered exceptional outcomes.

Best Digital Platform

For a high-quality digital platform that has helped customers with a specific problem (or problems) and improved their overall experience.

Best Citizen Experience

The CX movement is having a big impact on government departments: this award is for ministries, agencies or other departments that focus on delivering an outstanding experience for anyone using their services.

Best Outsourcing Company

For a company specialising in outsourcing solutions that has helped clients meet their CX goals.

Best CX Consultancy

Recognising organisations that provide CX consultancy services to third parties and help them unlock their CX potential.

CX Professionals

CX Team of the Year

Honouring Asia's most impactful team efforts in delivering exquisite customer experience across all touchpoints.

CX Professional of the year

For a male CX professional who sets a shining example of CX excellence, and who has achieved fantastic outcomes for their organisation.

CX Woman of the Year

Spotlighting the best woman in customer experience and championing female representation in the CX discipline.

Rising CX Star

Spotlighting a CX practitioner who has achieved phenomenal results and has the potential to achieve more great things in the future!

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