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Awards International is here to guide you on your road to recognition!

We’ve created a range of resources to assist with your application: scroll down to see how we can help. If you have any specific questions, you can also book a call with Aleksandar, your dedicated Awards Consultant.




Your how-to guide for your awards journey. This document contains:

  • How to choose the right category(-ies)
  • Tips on writing a successful entry
  • What the judges are looking for

For further help, you can call Aleksandar Lucic on +971 (4) 510-8547, or by emailing aleksandar.l@awardsinternational.com


Sample Model Entry

An example of a Gold Winner’s entry form that can inspire you on your own journey!


Sample Feedback Report

Every finalist receives detailed and constructive feedback from our judges. This document is an example from one of our Gold Winners, including scores achieved by other finalists in the same category and judges’ comments on the written entry and live presentation.


How Entries are Scored

This document contains the full scoring criteria used to assess your written entry and live presentation. Make sure you read it carefully and address all the different sections!


CX e-book: Lessons from Our Winners

This e-book contains five fascinating case studies from Gold Winners at the International Customer Experience Awards®, and will give you the inspiration to write your own winning entry.

It's also full of CX best practices that you can implement in your organisation - just download to find out more!


Case Studies from three CXA Gold Winners

Featuring case studies from three CXA Gold Winners, this e-book is full of CX best practices and can inspire you to become a champion!

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